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Showing posts from August, 2014

Experience Teaches Me--What?

"Experience is the best teacher" is an old saying. We may not hear or see it spoken so much anymore, but our society lives by it. It's the very shaky foundation of the our culture, and really, the world's shifting "morality". It's a very ambiguous statement. For one thing, everyone has different experiences; so if experience is our teacher, everyone will be learning different "lessons". Many people will also perceive the same experience in different ways and glean entirely different perspectives from it. This is an amazingly chaotic way to "learn" life lessons. Compare it to a classroom. What would anyone learn about reality if everyone was told something different? No one would really know anything, yet everyone would consider themselves an expert...because no one else knows what they "know." Secondly, I would like to ask, experience is the best teacher of what? Most of us will take any given experience and, if not guid...