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Once a year is fine, isn't it?

I can't believe it's been a year since I first (and last) wrote! Much is going on here...
Expecting #6 sometime around May 27th, joining three other May birthdays in our little zoo, an increasingly independent and strong-willed almost-two-year-old (who is also a joy!), an almost-five-year-old who is recovered (mostly) from surgery on her skull for craniosynostosis, an almost-six-year-old who is working through kindergarden, v e r y s l o w l y, an almost-nine-year old whom we are trying to teach how to be more careful and neat in all she does, and a ten year old who just happens to be my right arm. Sometimes she thinks she's all of me, which can be a problem, but mostly she is a blessing from the Lord, I don't know what I'd do without her.
Anyway, even though it really is all about Him (the Lord God Almighty, and His Son, God incarnate, Jesus Christ, and His honor and glory) ( I need to get that straight before talking about me) I'll say a bit about myself. God saved me from my sins through Christ when I was about 14 years old, and that is ( or ought to be, I fight my selfish sin nature all the time) the focus of my life--to serve Him and bring Him glory. I've been married for eleven years (12 in July) to Adam, an engineer, the perfect complement to my serious, emotional self. God is so wise! We have five (going on six) children, age 10 and down, whom I've already mentioned, two sons and almost four daughters, Leslie, Kayla, David, Brooke & Ethan. (We aren't telling the new one's name, it's a surprise!) Don't ask me if we're having any more, because I don't know!
We home school, three right now, four next year. I started out not knowing anything and God has been so faithful and patient with me, teaching me through other wise and godly women and faithful friends as well as His Word and my husband, what to do!!! I'm relaxing more every year, by that I mean not stressing out. I love studying the Bible and reading books about the Bible and Bible topics, and am in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), in my second year, which I enjoy hugely. We go to a wonderful church where the Word of God is faithfully taught, and we are all growing because of it. Besides that, in my "free" time (hah!) I am a violinist for a symphony in the area (we live in the Dallas area) and enjoy practicing, sometimes, and others I just have to do it. I enjoy projects around the house, and crafts, mostly cross stitching and paint-by-number, I'm not a very good artist but have designed a few cross stitch things in the last few years. I love to read, and it can be a snare for me and my time, so I try to stick to books that take a lot of thinking and I don't read much fiction. If I do, I tend to get sucked in and do nothing else until the book is read!
I love to read aloud to my children and spend time talking with them, they are precious. I also love to bake and cook and, since last June, save money on groceries with coupons. (Thanks, Lisa!) That's all I have time for, and sometimes not even that, so that's it. (At least, I can't think of anything else at the moment.)
I need to get going on laundry today, and math with the girls. I need to practice today, the APSO has a performance (of sorts) tomorrow and I haven't looked through my music yet! Say it, say it..."I must learn to be more responsible and not procrastinate"?!?! I also smell an icky diaper and was just thinking yesterday about how I've changed diapers every single day for the last 10 and 1/2 years (with probably a few exceptions). I'm sure there are many out there who've done it longer than that, I'm not even trying to claim sympathy, it was just an interesting thought that popped into my head.
I also need to revise my schedule, as I almost went crazy this week trying to implement the one I had...
May the God of peace be honored in you today!


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