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Showing posts from June, 2011

Good Reading

I have spent the last day and a half reading the new biography of John MacArthur by Iain Murray. As I read, I can't help but thank the Lord for that godly man and the influence he has had in my life. I am even more encouraged and convicted as I read about his personal life and dedication to his calling. When I grow up, I want to be like John character, love for truth, and absolute unwavering faith in God's word.

Good use of time?

I am often frustrated with the amount of time I spend on the computer...and yet it is also useful and needed. I don't really enjoy it, yet it keeps me there for hours! A puzzling paradox to ponder... Technology is so useful, makes us feel so connected, but really disconnects us from the people around us, whom Jesus calls our neighbors. If I am to love my neighbor (right now, it's #5, playing in a chair next to me) as myself, is my time really well spent on a blog, posting a homeschooling ad, answering emails, listening to a good sermon, encouraging a friend or two on Facebook? I haven't even made myself "presentable" so I can take my children to piano lessons yet (not to mention to avoid visually offending my family), and it's almost lunch time. My home needs organizing, my children need attention, laundry needs doing, lunch needs making... I pray for wisdom in this. Not too little connection, Lord, but not too much either!