I have spent the last day and a half reading the new biography of John MacArthur by Iain Murray. As I read, I can't help but thank the Lord for that godly man and the influence he has had in my life. I am even more encouraged and convicted as I read about his personal life and dedication to his calling. When I grow up, I want to be like John MacArthur...in character, love for truth, and absolute unwavering faith in God's word.
President Trump is the president of the country we live in, and as Christians, it is our duty to obey and support and pray for him, and to show him respect. I support Trump in this way, and I’m also thankful to the Lord for His grace to us in the good policies enacted and actions taken that support biblical morality. As a Christian, I’m grateful for the fact that the Lord has used even an ungodly man to uphold values that are biblical in nature, which reflect godliness. However, I believe Christians tend to stray off track when we begin to act as though Christian values in policy and law has something to do with the godliness of our country in general. Christian values don’t save anyone. Individual hearing of the gospel, repentance, and believing change hearts. Policy doesn’t drive people to Christ. Faithful proclamation of the gospel is what we are called to do and to pursue. Why do Christians spend so much time actively pursuing and speaking on and pushing Christian valu...
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